Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Quick SNG

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Between the holidays and a busy work schedule, I haven't been able to play at all in several days. I wanted to sneak in a quick sit-n-go today at Absolute Poker, but I was a bit pressed for time so I decided that I would play risky and that if I got a good hand I would either go big or go broke. With this strategy, I stuck to the cheap $0.50 game (plus $0.10 fee).

Well, I think I must have set a new record for going out in one of these game. I folded the first hand and didn't play it at all - purely rags. On the second hand, I was dealt 10-Q off-suit. Worth putting out the $20 to see what happens.

The flop turned up JJ9. So far things are looking promising, until some ass threw out a $400 bet. I had to put some serious thought into this one. There were still two cards left and I had a good run on a straight (either an 8 or a King would have gave it to me). I figured that the other guy probably had trip Jacks, which a straight could beat, but I'd be sunk if I missed it.

On the turn, a King came up. I was now breathing a sigh of relief. I had made my straight, which would beat the trips, and I figured that in a worst case scenario it would be a push, so when he through out another $400 bet I had no problems going all in without hesitation. To my dismay, he turned over 9J. So yeah, I made my straight, but his boat had me topped and I was the first one out of the game. I think that's the first time I've ever been the first one out, but it wasn't so bad. Has to happen to everyone sooner or later.

So with several days of not playing, I got to fold one hand and got spanked on the next and lost $0.60 in the process. Maybe next time I will do a little better.

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